Mechanical & Plumbing Projects

In cooperation with our consultants and associates, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning engineering services are provided for building design and renovation projects

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hybrid Geothermal system

SDA was hired to add air conditioning to this 1935 vintage school. Their innovative approach turned a significant structural liability into an asset, and made school 87 the most efficient school in Indianapolis. This project won an ASHRAE Technology Award, and was featured in three national publications.

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hamilton heights elementary school

An innovative energy recovery scheme was the key facet of a suite of up-grades that saved enough energy to reduce this school’s use by 48%, lower their operating cost by 36% and raise their Energy Star rating from 40 to 97.  This project won an ASHRAE Technology Award in 2013.


The renaissance of the two-pipe system

SDA resurrected an old concept from the scrap heap of history, and in the process ushered in the next generation of super-efficient schools, and to a large degree, redefined how all buildings in the US are heated. In 1998, Tom Durkin was honored to present this concept to the Congress of the United States. It has been featured in many national publications. Since the renaissance, there are more than 300 two-pipe schools in Indiana.

Manchester university - academic center

This project renovated the old science building into a modern classroom class room and visitors’ center.  The remarkable features of the SDA design was that by integrating the renovation with work at two other buildings, the university was able to heat three buildings with less energy than was being used by one, and zero increase in construction costs.  This project was featured in the February 2015 ASHRAE Journal.
